About OxyGen

OxyGen is the international students ministry of Paradise Community Church. We are a group of international students dedicated to reach a generation of university and college students in Adelaide.

Join us every forthnight on Saturday at UniSA city west campus with live music, exceptional time of worship, inspiring messages, delicious food and a whole lot more.

OxyGen also runs lifegroups at various locations around Adelaide every fortnight on Wednesday where small groups of people gather together to have fun and to learn more about God.

For more information, please contact Michael Raj at michael.raj@paradise.asn.au

Be Stirred. Be Inspired. Be Transformed.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Grand Opening

Familiar faces. Vibrant chatter. Beaming smiles. Big bear hugs.

Boy, it sure was exciting to be back as a family for the very first OxyGen meeting for the 2nd half of 2007!

The night was a blast, kicking off with a dance to the beat of “You Don’t Know” by Kierra Kiki Sheard, setting up the perfect atmosphere as the meeting moved on to an awesome time of praise and worship. The highlight of the night was the inspiring message by pastor Rose, all the way from Malaysia, about “insecurity and vulnerability to God”, referring to the first book of the Bible, Genesis 3:7 – 13. From there, she left us with a challenge to ponder upon “Are you allowing yourself to be vulnerable to God, or are you hiding your insecurities from Him..?”

Pastor Rose was not the only VIP we had from Malaysia that put up a great show. Heng Joe, another one of the Malaysian visitors, put together a splendid duet with Ern Chee, singing “Receive The Power” (Guy Sebastian).

It was really exciting to see the OxyGen family growing with new friends from various countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Korea and China. However, it was also pretty sad to have to say goodbye to Lok Ing and Wilson, who were going to Sydney to settle down for good. Not forgetting Zie, who would be missing in action for the next 6 months as he returns to good food and sweaty armpits in sunny tropical weathered Malaysia.(Don’t you just envy him?!!!)

As always, nobody leaves OxyGen meetings hungry. The meeting ended with yummy hotdogs, leaving everyone’s tummies feeling happy and satisfied.

What a terrific way to start off a new semester! Aren’t you all hyped up about the next meeting???

visit our photobucket album for more pictures!!
