But what is “mamak” anyway? I’d explain it for everyone else that doesn’t come from
Although, I am pretty sure going to forget what it means again. All I will remember is it’s relation to food. Well, enough for me!
As everyone made their way into the hall for the service, the aroma of roti canai meeting its fate on the barbeque pit wafted in. The only thing I could think about was tearing up that blessed piece of bread and dunking it in some hot curry. But as the dance team did their thing, getting the crowd going and as praise and worship began, my focus began to shift away from my rumbling stomach to an extravagantly loving father God. Pastor Mike also shared briefly about what was within the heart of Oxygen. How as a group, made up from different parts of the world, in a foreign land, can still seek and grow in God together.
And before I knew it, it was time. Time for the 3Fs: Fellowship, Fun and most importantly, FOOD! The roti canai and its accompanying curry chicken left little to the imagination. Yes, tear and dunk it I did. Everyone had the chance of eating to their stomachs content. This is definitely saying something when you take into consideration the size of the stomachs present.
We have frequently heard of people feeling fulfilled after a meal in a good restaurant, but how often do you hear people say that they have been fulfilled physically and spiritually? This is certainly one rare meal we enjoyed in more ways than one!