About OxyGen

OxyGen is the international students ministry of Paradise Community Church. We are a group of international students dedicated to reach a generation of university and college students in Adelaide.

Join us every forthnight on Saturday at UniSA city west campus with live music, exceptional time of worship, inspiring messages, delicious food and a whole lot more.

OxyGen also runs lifegroups at various locations around Adelaide every fortnight on Wednesday where small groups of people gather together to have fun and to learn more about God.

For more information, please contact Michael Raj at michael.raj@paradise.asn.au

Be Stirred. Be Inspired. Be Transformed.

Monday, May 12, 2008

OxyGen Camp 2008

"It was very good to see OxyGen mature and grow a lot closer. Especially when we had ministry time. The response from campers and the openness in expecting God to move. It was a very good time during games too and was great getting to know lifegroup members better and spending time with people in OxyGen who I seldom get to see." - Anonymous Camper

As I reminiscence about camp, these three words can pretty much sum up most of what I, and probably most others, can remember.

Connections were made. Not the unreliable internet company sorts, but the kind of everlasting and meaningful connections. Connections were established with the people around and ultimately with our living and loving God.

A lot of laughing was done. Be it in the sessions, free times or games. The echoing sounds of people just having fun resounded throughout the whole campsite, making it the most enjoyable place to be at that point of time.

This camp was a milestone. Not only will it be down in the OxyGen books of history as our first camp ever, but it will also be down in the history books of everyone present at camp.

Here are some photo highlights.