About OxyGen

OxyGen is the international students ministry of Paradise Community Church. We are a group of international students dedicated to reach a generation of university and college students in Adelaide.

Join us every forthnight on Saturday at UniSA city west campus with live music, exceptional time of worship, inspiring messages, delicious food and a whole lot more.

OxyGen also runs lifegroups at various locations around Adelaide every fortnight on Wednesday where small groups of people gather together to have fun and to learn more about God.

For more information, please contact Michael Raj at michael.raj@paradise.asn.au

Be Stirred. Be Inspired. Be Transformed.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Winter Warmers (2nd June 2007)

We all know that winter is anything but warm.

Why Winter Warmers then? It’s such an oxymoron.

Maybe for some it was because of the lecture theatre’s warm temperature. Or for others it may have been because of the hot, steaming red bean soup that they indulged themselves in at the end of the night. For the rest it might have been the warm faces that smiled and presented a friendly welcome to them as soon as they walked through the door.
But for most, it was probably the warm presence of God in that place. Whether it was through the anointed Praise and Worship, the motivating message or even the beautiful dance, the presence of God could be felt in such a tangible way. In this time of busyness and frantic studying, the opportunity to slow down and just bask in the presence God was refreshing and warmed everyone’s spirit and soul.
Yes, it may be Oxygen’s last meeting for this semester, but that warm feeling everyone caught on that cold winter’s night will definitely remain.

Till next time, see ya at The Grand Opening!
